Monday, September 24, 2007

The boycott: how it started, what are its aims?

Just to get everyone up to speed here is the original proposal for the boycott along with an explanation of it's rational and objectives. Since the boycott was proposed there have been some new developments which may change opinions on its necessity and/or efficacy. I think it's important to see where we've been though before we decide where we're going.

And yes, before anyone points it out these have been edited slightly. If you want to read the originals they should still be on the U-Sector forums.



So I've been reading the whole Argos moving thing with increasing dread and just slogged my way through the whole Walk-Out/Chants/Banners thread in response. Here's my idea, which I think would be much more to the point:

An immeadiate boycott targetting the purchasing any concessions in BMO Field or any official (licensed) TFC related merchandise until MLSE comes out and publicly disavows any plans to allow the Argos use of BMO or, alternatively, publicly commits to North York's 4 principles. Leaflets explaining the situation and asking people to join the boycott should be distributed outside the stadium ASAP with a URL directing them to a website with greater details and an online petition/commitment to join the boycott.

The boycott could eventually be extended to encouraging all of our family members and "soccer supporters" in the GTA to boycott merchandise of the Leafs and Raptors.

As many people have pointed out we are consumers. We don't own the club and we'll never be able elect a different board. The only power we have is economic and if we want to stop this we have to use that power. Asking people to give up their season tickets now is unrealistic as this is something we've all waited a long time for and no one wants to lose their place in line pre-emptively. Plus, 2/3rds of TFC's fans at any game have season tickets that have already been paid for so there's no imeadiate economic impact for the club.

I've got many other thoughts on this idea but don't have time to expand on them yet.


Idea expansion #1: Why banners/chants/walk-outs won't make a difference.

Please understand though that I support doing all those things anyways!

However, other than possibley raise media attention to the issue (which could go either way in terms of media opinion) none of these are anything more than gestures of dissatisfaction by what would likely be written off as a vocal minority.

We need to get as many average, casual TFC fans involved as possible not just the internet fanatics. My perception is that a great many of the casuals will be just as angered about this as most of us are. One of the great selling points of TFC that got people to buy into the team was that the stadium was soccer-specific and that the team would be presented as a serious sport for serious soccer fans. All those ex-pats (especially UK ex-pats IMHO) who've been willing to support TFC as a second team because it was clear that MLSE understood what they wanted in a footy team will probably be the first to not renew seasons tickets if the prospect of gridiron lines arises! They're actually not as fervently devoted to the team (yet) as us (Canadian internet types) and would surely view this as a giant betrayal and typical North American BS.

Starting a boycott NOW would not only affect MLSE's bottom line immeadiately (even if they're still wildly profitable) but could also give them an inkling of the potential economic disaster down the road if they cock-up the goodwill they've created in our first year.


Idea Expansion #2: Most of our tickets are cheap anyways.

Seriously, do the math. Even at next year's raised prices the south stand represents a tiny fraction of TFC's revenue base.

I know I've probably spent 3 to 4 times as much money this season on beer and licensed gear as I did on my ticket. If you're in the south stand you actually pack a much greated economic punch in terms of the non-ticket money you spend on the team.

Also, as I said originally: who the hell wants to give up their tickets yet? A boycott lets us keep supporting the team but still shows our dissastisfaction with management.


Idea expansion 3: Make sure the website explains the whole sordid fiasco with the Argos almost killing the stadium originally.

Who the hell knows about this if they're not a compulsive Voyageurs's board follwer? The story of the York U. stadium is part of the context of why so many of us find this proposed move espcially noxious. Someone who has archived articles or access to old info should write a concise summary of how the Argo's almost desrtoyed the NSS a few years back by BACKING OUT AT THE LAST MINUTE!

Forget the excuse that it was a "business decision." You can make business decisions and NOT NEGOTIATE IN BAD FAITH (with a non-profit orgainzation to boot)! Stepping up to the plate and then backing out pissed off hardcore Argos fans too! They understood that the team was missing a golden oppurtunity for a proper stadium rather than being beholden to Uncle Teddy. Now they want to mess-up the stadium that WE'VE (not MLSE) made the envy of soccer fans north of the Rio Grande? Hang'em!

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